
Send your NFT Musician on tour!

Tours are the core game mode of The Voice Crypto metaverse. This is the where your NFT Musicians will perform and allow you to earn $TVC rewards.

The minimum requirements to go on Tour are owning an NFT Musician and your Manager Credential.

As a Manager you must design the tour, deciding on all the artistic and logistical aspects. In order to send your NFT Musician to the Tour you will have to cover most of the costs. When starting the Tour you will pay this costs in advance usign $TVC, so think and analyze very well before choosing!

How do I play?

Tours in our metaverse feature the following instances:

Tour design

You make all the decisions concerning the Tour:

  • Which of his/her NFT Musicians will be sent on tour

  • In which Stage/s he/she will perform (1 to 5 per Tour)

  • Which Sound Equipment will be hired

  • Accommdation

  • Transport

  • Advertising campaign

Yo will have to pay all these expenses in advace using $TVC and the Tour begins.

Visit your artist

If the Tour consists of 3 or more shows, you may visit your NFT Musician 24 hours later, once the second performance is over. In this visit the result of the firs shows will be revealed, as well as the status of the artist. If necessary, the you may chose to take actions to improve the artist's conditions until the end of the Tour.

End of the Tour

Once the Tour ends, the NFT Musician comes back home and you will receive a full report of his/her performance in each Stage, as well as a global summary. You will know the amount of tickets sold, the occurence of unexpected events, your personal score as a Manager (which is a result of the performance parameters relative to your investment in the Tour) and your reward in $TVC.

For an fully detailed explanation of the Tours, please read the Basic Guide for Managers.

Last updated